Two continents, one girl
Things you should never believe:
The bank when they tell you your mortgage commitment letter will arrive any minute now, and me when I tell you I’m done traveling for a while.
Admittedly, I’m a hermit. A recluse. An enigmatic Howard Hughes-type without the money, fame, success, or fleet of Hollywood arm candy. No mystery either, for that matter.
The only thing that can still get me out of my house (sorry, apartment, STILL) these days is beautiful people playing pretty instruments while singing lovely songs.
It was announced this week that the band Crowded House will be embarking on a European tour next year, their first tour in a decade.
Before last year, I was not a fan of Crowded House so this announcement wouldn’t have registered on my radar.
Now, since his recruitment into that-band-I-swear-I-will-not-reference-in-this-post-but-rhymes-with-Meetwood-Flac in 2018, I have a greater-than-slight crush on Crowded House’s lead singer and guitarist, Neil Finn.
Exhibit A, Your Honor:
And touring next year in the states is Mike Campbell with his band The Dirty Knobs.
I adore this guy. I’ve had a greater-than-slight crush on him and his guitars since his recruitment into…that band in 2018.
Exhibit B, Your Honor:
This last tour by… you know who really took it out of me. I've been home for a month now and I’m still recovering from it emotionally.
Just last week I declared dramatically to my cat that I will not be going anywhere for a long while. Please. Don’t even look at me. I am not ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.
Right now I’m wondering how best to juggle two tours on two different continents.
Cover photo by Element5 Digital from Pexels.